Working Papers

Gender Equality Through Turnover: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Term Limit Reforms in Italy (with Carolina Kansikas)
Latest version: here
CEPR Discussion paper 19306, IZA DP 17175
Non technical summary: (in Italian)

Women in Top Academic Positions: Is There a Trickle-Down Effect? (joint with Giulia Vattuone and Natalia Zinovyeva)
Latest version: here

Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Educational Outcomes< (with Carmen Villa)
Latest version: here
IZA Discussion paper 17507, CEPR Discussion paper 19733
Non technical summary:, IZA News Room, (in Spanish)

Published, Forthcoming or Accepted Papers

The Psychological Gains from COVID-19 Vaccination (joint with Velichka Dimitrova)
Journal of Public Economics, Volume 242, February 2025, 105304.

Interregional Contact and National Identity (joint with Chris Roth)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2023, Vol. 15(3), 322-50.
Non technical summary: (in English), (in Spanish)
Online appendix, DATA

Can Gender Quotas in Candidate Lists Empower Women? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design (joint with Pamela Campa)
Journal of Public Economics, 2021, Vol. 194, 104315.
Non-technical discussion:,

Comment on "Women and Power: Unpopular, Unwilling, or Held Back?" (joint with Pamela Campa)
Journal of Political Economy, 2020, Vol. 128(5), 2010-2016.

What You Don't Know... Can't Hurt You? A Natural Field Experiment on Relative Performance Feedback in Higher Education (joint with Ghazala Azmat, Antonio Cabrales and Nagore Iriberri)
Management Science, 2019, Vol. 65(8), 3714-3736.
Non-technical summary (in Spanish):

Connections in Scientific Committees and Applicants' Self-selection: Evidence from a Natural Randomized Experiment (joint with Mauro Sylos Labini and Natalia Zinovyeva)
Labour Economics, 2019, Vol. 58, 81-97.

A Walk on the Wild Side: `Predatory' Journals and Information Asymmetries in Scientific Evaluations (joint with Mauro Sylos-Labini and Natalia Zinovyeva)
Research Policy, 2019, 48(2), 462-477, special issue on "Academic misconduct".
Non-technical (in Italian)

Does the Gender Composition of Scientific Committees Matter? (joint with Mauro Sylos Labini and Natalia Zinovyeva)
American Economic Review, 2017, Vol. 107(4), pp. 1207-1238
[DATA] [Slides presentation]
Note: This paper combines information that was previously reported in two different working papers: [WP Italy], [WP Spain]
Non-technical summary: Research Highlight of the AEA; Press release of the EEA; Times Higher Education; 15 min. video presentation

Politicians’ Luck of the Draw: Evidence from the Spanish Christmas Lottery (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)
Journal of Political Economy, 2016, Vol. 124(5), pp. 1269-1294
[DATA] [Slides presentation]
Non-technical summary: (Spanish,English)

The Role of Connections in Academic Promotions (joint with Natalia Zinovyeva)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2015, Vol. 7(2), pp. 264-292
Non-technical summary:,

Why Do I Like People Like Me? (joint with María José Pérez Villadóniga)
Journal of Economic Theory, 2013, Vol. 148(3), pp. 1292-1299

Are Women Pawns in the Political Game? Evidence from Elections to the Spanish Senate (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)
Journal of Public Economics, 2012, Vol. 96(3), pp. 387-399
Non-technical summary:,

Do Recruiters Prefer Applicants with Similar Skills? Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment (joint with María José Pérez Villadóniga)
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2012, Vol. 82(1), pp. 12-20

Can Gender Parity Break the Glass Ceiling? Evidence from a Repeated Randomized Experiment (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)
Review of Economic Studies, 2010, Vol. 77(4), pp. 1301-1328       [DATA]
Non-technical summary of the paper:, sociedadabierta

Do On-Line Labor Market Intermediaries Matter? The impact of AlmaLaurea on University-to-Work transition (joint with Mauro Sylos Labini)
David H. Autor (ed), NBER volume Studies of Labor Market Intermediation, 2009, pp. 127-154. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (link)
A translation of this article into Italian appeared at L'università in transizione: Laureati vecchi e nuovi alla luce della reforma, edited by Andrea Cammelli. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy (joint with Mauro Sylos Labini and Natalia Zinovyeva)
CESifo Economic Studies, 2008, Vol. 54 (2), pp. 149-176
A translation of this article into Russian appeared at Вопросы образования№4 за 2009 год
Non-technical summary:

Other Papers

Gender Differences in Cooperation in the U.S. Congress? An Extension of Gagliarducci and Paserman (with Pamela Campa and Giulian Etingin-Frati)
Manuscript prepared upon invitation from the Institute for Replication.
Accepted for publication at Economic Inquiry
Awarded the Christiaan Huygens Reproduction and Replication Prize

Evaluation Report `Conect-As: Itineraries of Digital Social Inclusion in Asturias'
Part of the evaluation conducted by the `Laboratorio de Politicas de Inclusion en base a la Evidencia Cientifica'

Work in Progress

Friends in Childhood and the Gender Equality Paradox (with Natalia Zinovyeva)

Unpacking the Incumbency Effect: Electoral Advantage and Coalition Building in Government Formation (with Pamela Campa, Margot Belguise and Iacopo Monterosa)

Gender and Political Coalitions (joint with Pamela Campa)

Baby Busts, Marriage ‘Squeeze’ and Labor Market Outcomes (joint with Velichka Dimitrova)

Are Two Votes Better than One? Preference for Diversity, Representativeness and Information (joint with Carolina Kansikas)

Do Gender Quotas in Hiring Committees Help Women? Evidence from Spain (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)

Performance Pay and Judicial Production: Evidence from Spain (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)
Non-technical summary of the paper:

The Effect of Ballot Order: Evidence from the Spanish Senate (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)
Non-technical summary of the paper:

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